Darshan with Mother Meera – the Love and the Light

mother meera darshan Mother Meera is giving darshan today and tomorrow in Germany. With the time difference, the darshans happen in the early-morning hours on the west coast of North America.

How fortunate we all are to have the opportunity to receive Meera’s grace. Tapas and good karma have given us the ability to recognize her as an awakened soul. Simply by turning your attention to her you can receive her light and love.

I have awakened after 4 am while she is giving her second darshan. So I light a candle near her picture and focus on her image while meditating. After only a minute of meditating, I can feel her love. It is so strong that I feel as though I’m in her physical presence. The heart opens so much that a few tears appear in my eyes.

Meditating in the hours before sunset is always easier. The veil between the physical and higher planes is thinner, and it is easier to access the deeper reality.

During the day, I often focus on the Paramatman light. I learned to perceive it by attending Meera’s darshans in the United States and Canada. Attuning to the light allows me to connect with the deeper reality and still the mind.

Paramatman is the universal consciousness that permeates and sustains reality. So it exists on all three planes of reality: physical, energetic, and mental. I believe that when a person sees the Paramatman light they are seeing its energetic form. Of course seeing the light is not the end goal. It is just an indication that your system has learned how to attune to the Paramatman.

If you have been to Meera’s darshans and have yet to see the light, try to attend more darshans. Eventually you will learn to see the light. I know other people who have learned to see the light such as my brother, my mother, and a Vietnam veteran who works at our office. Meera’s light and love is a blessing, so take advantage of it.

I will finish writing now and return to bed, immersed in Meera’s grace. Often I will sleep through her early-morning darshans. It is a restful sleep. Yet it feels as though I have missed a chance to connect with the divine—a lost opportunity.


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