Spiritual Practices List

Spiritual Practices List

An effective spiritual practice is the foundation for real spiritual progress. Learn spiritual practices that will enable you to still the mind and draw closer to the divine. The list of spiritual practices is followed by a description of each practice… Read more

Stages of the Spiritual Journey

stages of the spiritual journey

There is a surface reality of separate objects and a deeper reality of oneness. The spiritual journey is the process of learning how to perceive the deeper truth and eventually become one with it. There are three major stages that you will pass through on the journey to oneness. Discover what they are… Read more

The Silver Ball of Water

while meditating I had a spiritual vision of a silver ball of water that represented the ocean at sunset

While lying in bed, I rested in a state between being awake and asleep. An image appeared in my awareness that I have never seen before. It was a silver ball made of water. The water flowed down the ball in ripples that looked like tiny waves. The image was so real that I tried to open my eyes in order to get a better look at it. But when my eyes opened the image vanished. Until this evening, I didn’t know what the image represented… Read more

Dalai Lama Quotes

Dalai Lama quotes

Read quotes from the Dalai Lama, an enlightened Buddhist monk who teaches emptiness, dependent existence, compassion, and liberation from rebirth… Read more