Three Spiritual Paths: Light, Stillness, Love

the stillness of the Self can be found in nature

The divine is present throughout creation. It is the formless intelligence that guides and sustains creation. Enlightened teachers have different names for the divine such as the Paramatman or the Self. And they describe the divine in various ways such as light, stillness, and love… Read more

Ramana Maharshi Quotes

Ramana Maharshi attained liberation as a teenager

Ramana Maharshi is one of the most well-known spiritual teachers of the twentieth century. He lived as a renunciant at the base of Arunachala mountain. His Advaita Vedanta teachings emphasize the spiritual practices of surrender and self-enquiry. Many of his devotees attained liberation. Learn what he had to say about the nature of reality… Read more

The Enlightened Presence of Papaji and Krishna

the enlightened presence of papaji and krishna

For the last few days, I have practiced self-enquiry throughout the day. When placing my attention on the source of the ego I clearly perceive Papaji’s enlightened presence, which is very similar to that of Krishna. Perhaps it is a result of Papaji attuning himself so closely with Krishna. Papaji was a Krishna bhakti before meeting Ramana Maharshi and attaining liberation… Read more

Darshan with a Guardian Angel

angels take the physical form of doves

I’m reading Ramana Maharshi’s teachings and a biography about Papaji. Being exposed to their grace has affected my system. Both men taught the spiritual practice of self-enquiry. You focus on the source of the “I” (or ego) in order to draw your attention inward and still the mind. When the “I” recedes into the Self permanently you attain liberation. After an encounter with a dove tonight my mind stilled… Read more

Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi enlightened spiritual teacher

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi lived as a renunciant in a small town in India. Yet he became a well-known spiritual teacher. His grace has enabled thousands of people to progress spiritually. And during his lifetime a small number of his devotees attained liberation. Using the spiritual practices he recommended (surrender and self-enquiry) the stillness of the divine will became more accessible to you… Read more