Reading the Upanishads

Sri Aurobindo enlightened spiritual teacher and author of many books including Integral Yoga

There are many translations of the Upanishads. Many people who read the Upanishads recommend the translation by Swami Prabhavananda. I found it on Internet Archive and began reading the first Upanishad in the book—the Isha Upanishad. After a few moments my mind stilled, and I was deeply immersed in the formless… Read more

The Silver Ball of Water

while meditating I had a spiritual vision of a silver ball of water that represented the ocean at sunset

While lying in bed, I rested in a state between being awake and asleep. An image appeared in my awareness that I have never seen before. It was a silver ball made of water. The water flowed down the ball in ripples that looked like tiny waves. The image was so real that I tried to open my eyes in order to get a better look at it. But when my eyes opened the image vanished. Until this evening, I didn’t know what the image represented… Read more

Darshan with a Guardian Angel

angels take the physical form of doves

I’m reading Ramana Maharshi’s teachings and a biography about Papaji. Being exposed to their grace has affected my system. Both men taught the spiritual practice of self-enquiry. You focus on the source of the “I” (or ego) in order to draw your attention inward and still the mind. When the “I” recedes into the Self permanently you attain liberation. After an encounter with a dove tonight my mind stilled… Read more

Having a Sociopath as a Spiritual Teacher

dark spiritual teachers are to be avoided but they can be difficult to identify

While living in Los Angeles, I became interested in spirituality and unknowingly chose the worst kind of spiritual teacher. Although I didn’t know it at the time, he is a charlatan and a sociopath. In spite of everything I am doing well. I am surrounded by God’s mercy and grace. Yet you should let my story be a cautionary tale. And be careful in whom you choose to guide you along the spiritual path… Read more

Being the Observer

the spiritual practice of being the observer of your life

My favorite spiritual practices are to focus on the Paramatman light or an enlightened teacher. Of late, another spiritual practice has arisen spontaneously. I step back and observe myself interacting with the world. The way I perceive the world changes. I am freed from the ego’s influence and the mind stills. The external world loses its sense of reality. It is more like a play… Read more

The Most Important Thing

Meher Baba's book Infinite Intelligence provides deep insight into the four main spiritual paths

Of late, I am more cognizant of how much of the day is spent focused on unimportant things. The mind moves from one meaningless thought to the next. And only when I stop to read an enlightened teaching is my attention fully focused on the divine. I must do a better job of attuning to the deeper reality throughout the day… Read more

Drops of Light

the Paramatman light looks like fine drops of rain falling from the sky

While working at the office today, the Paramatman light is much more noticeable. It usually appears as a fine mist that is always falling whether I am indoors or outdoors. Today it is much larger, the size of rain drops… Read more

Drawing Your Awareness Within

The writings of Meher Baba and Ramana Maharshi have a profound spiritual transmission

I have found that reading an enlightened teaching changes my internal reality and the way I interact with the world. The grace of an enlightened teacher draws my awareness within, toward the Self and away from the illusion of separate objects. For some reason, the teachings of Meher Baba and Ramana Maharshi are the most helpful in drawing my intention deeply within. Three in particular are the most powerful: Guru Vachaka Kovai, God Speaks, and In God’s Hand… Read more

Dreaming of India

The Ganges river and the ghatt in Varanasi India

India is a place like no other. There the veil between the physical plane and the deeper reality is very thin. And in the more holy places, it is much easier to touch the formless unity that permeates and sustains all of creation. I often envision leaving my current life behind and starting anew in India… Read more

The Christmas Church Service

A Christmas Church Service is often more of a play than a spiritual gathering

Each year my brother likes to attend the Christmas Eve service at a local church. It was nice to be in a room full of Christians. Everyone was in a good mood. The choir sang many Christmas songs. Children walked up to the front of the church dressed as characters from the story of Jesus’ birth. And passages from the Bible were read that pertained to Jesus’ birth. Yet something important was missing. People were focused on the external ceremony—the Christmas play that was being performed. There was little, if any, emphasis on each person’s internal connection with Jesus and the divine… Read more

Unplugging from the Matrix

To live at the highest level and progress spiritually you must unplug from the matrix--the illusion of maya.

I have spent far too much of my life immersed in the illusion of maya. The ego loves to keep the mind active and focused on anything other than the divine. In our modern society another level of maya has been created in which we lose ourselves in an artificial electronic world. We are constantly staring at our smart phones or immersed in some form of entertainment on the television or computer. The ego-controlled mind enjoys the stimulation and soon becomes addicted to it… Read more

A Vision of the Trees

Trees are Spiritual Portals into the Deeper Reality

Working next to the window allows me to unplug somewhat from the matrix (maya) and tap into the deeper reality. The mind is more still during the day and work is more pleasant. I also found myself turning away from the computer and immersing myself in the stillness of nature. During my midday nap today, I had a vision of foliage that was just outside a window… Read more

The Setting Sun

Sunset at the Ocean a portal into the divine

Tonight I walked along the beach for thirty minutes and watched the sunset. As it does every night, the sun changes its mood during the ten minutes before sunset. Instead of projecting its energy outward, it begins to turn inward, and as it changes so do I… Read more

Publishing First Spiritual Book

Into the Formless by Brian D. Stephens, spiritual book

Today is April 10, 2017 and it is a good day. The first book was finished and uploaded to Amazon. Now begins the process of marketing the book and letting the world know about it… Read more

Everybody Loves the Bubble Man

the bubbles made of soap by a man at the beach seem like bubbles on the ocean of consciousness

There are small cliffs that overlook the ocean in San Diego, California. On some nights a man will stand on the grass and create soap bubbles that are carried along the sidewalk by the ocean breeze. The bubble man brings a lot of joy to people. The children who are walking along the ocean with their parents stop and play with the bubbles, chasing and popping them. The bubbles remind me of the book God Speaks by Meher Baba. He uses the analogy of bubbles on the ocean to describe what happens to a soul when it appears in creation… Read more

Brief Samadhi Experiences

sun ocean spiritual vision

After Mother Meera darshans today, I shut my eyes for a while and had two visions of the ocean at sunset. Spiritual visions are nice, yet they can also be a distraction. Meher Baba taught about the dangers of a seeker getting lost in the energetic planes. Some become so engrossed in visions that they do not focus on the deeper reality and their spiritual progress stalls… Read more

Connecting Life Forms to the Paramatman Light

connecting trees to the Paramatman light

I use the Paramatman light to help other life forms. I probably learned the skill unconsciously during my darshans with Mother Meera. Each life form has a physical body on the physical plane of reality and an energy body on the energetic plane. And it is the energetic body that I access. At first the light was projected into trees. Then the process expanded to birds, then insects, and now people… Read more