Stages of the Spiritual Journey

stages of the spiritual journey

There is a surface reality of separate objects and a deeper reality of oneness. The spiritual journey is the process of learning how to perceive the deeper truth and eventually become one with it. There are three major stages that you will pass through on the journey to oneness. Discover what they are… Read more

Perceiving the Energetic Plane of Reality

diagram of the three planes of reality found in the book God Speaks b Meher Baba

According to many enlightened teachers there are three planes of reality: mental, energetic, and physical. The vast majority of people on the planet perceive only the physical plane of reality. The true spiritual journey begins when a person learns to perceive the energetic plane of reality. You can feel energetic forms through your energetic body. And you might even see energetic forms with your physical eyes… Read more

Ramana Maharshi and the Stillness of the Self

ramana maharshi sitting lotus on Arunachla Mountain

Reading Ramana Maharshi’s teachings each day has attuned my system to his enlightened presence. It is a deep and profound stillness. The grace of Ramana Maharshi is present in all of his teachings. By reading them you will be drawn into the deeper reality… Read more

Interacting with the Divine

endless thinking by the ego is the impediment to the divine

The divine is present within everything in creation. Yet most people are oblivious to it. Their awareness is trapped within the ego-controlled mind. So they perceive only forms and not the formless universal consciousness. When filtering reality through the mind, you are unable to experience reality directly. The mind gets between you and what is happening. The spiritual journey is about freeing your awareness from the confines of the thinking mind and experiencing reality directly… Read more