The Love of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ the world savior

There is a direct path to God through Jesus Christ. Yet for many Christians their beliefs about Jesus, God, and the spiritual path keep them trapped in the mind. They do not recognize a difference between God and the beliefs about God. They are not taught how to go beyond the mind and experience the divine directly. You can learn how… Read more

Meher Baba Quotes

Meher Baba an incarnation of the world savior

Read spiritual quotes from Meher Baba, the most recent incarnation of the world savior whose profound spiritual teachings took place in silence… Read more

Meher Baba’s Grace

Avatar Meher Baba, author of spiritual books

Meher Baba was the most recent incarnation of the world savior. Meher Baba and his teachings helped me to find my true spiritual path. His grace will uplift you and draw you closer to the divine… Read more