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Spiritual Practices List

Spiritual Practices List

An effective spiritual practice is the foundation for real spiritual progress. Learn spiritual practices that will enable you to still the mind and draw closer to the divine. The list of spiritual practices is followed by a description of each practice… Read more

Muruganar Quotes

Muruganar enlightened master

Muruganar was a prolific poet and writer who attained liberation through the grace of Ramana Maharshi. Muruganar spent years in Sri Ramana Ashram listening to Ramana answer questions from devotees. He summarized many of the answers into four line verses which were then edited by Ramana Maharshi. Read some of Muruganar’s profound spiritual insights… Read more

Stages of the Spiritual Journey

stages of the spiritual journey

There is a surface reality of separate objects and a deeper reality of oneness. The spiritual journey is the process of learning how to perceive the deeper truth and eventually become one with it. There are three major stages that you will pass through on the journey to oneness. Discover what they are… Read more

Paramahansa Yogananda Quotes

Paramahansa Yogananda was an Indian spiritual master and author. He moved to America to share his spiritual knowledge with the west. This page includes some of my favorite quotes from Paramahansa Yogananda… Read more

Three Spiritual Paths: Light, Stillness, Love

the stillness of the Self can be found in nature

The divine is present throughout creation. It is the formless intelligence that guides and sustains creation. Enlightened teachers have different names for the divine such as the Paramatman or the Self. And they describe the divine in various ways such as light, stillness, and love… Read more

Ramana Maharshi Quotes

Ramana Maharshi attained liberation as a teenager

Ramana Maharshi is one of the most well-known spiritual teachers of the twentieth century. He lived as a renunciant at the base of Arunachala mountain. His Advaita Vedanta teachings emphasize the spiritual practices of surrender and self-enquiry. Many of his devotees attained liberation. Learn what he had to say about the nature of reality… Read more

Reading the Upanishads

Sri Aurobindo enlightened spiritual teacher and author of many books including Integral Yoga

There are many translations of the Upanishads. Many people who read the Upanishads recommend the translation by Swami Prabhavananda. I found it on Internet Archive and began reading the first Upanishad in the book—the Isha Upanishad. After a few moments my mind stilled, and I was deeply immersed in the formless… Read more

The Love of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ the world savior

There is a direct path to God through Jesus Christ. Yet for many Christians their beliefs about Jesus, God, and the spiritual path keep them trapped in the mind. They do not recognize a difference between God and the beliefs about God. They are not taught how to go beyond the mind and experience the divine directly. You can learn how… Read more

Eckhart Tolle Quotes

Eckhart Tolle enlightened spiritual teacher and author

Read quotes from Eckhart Tolle, one of the few modern spiritual teachers who is elightened. He teaches the Zen practice of focusing on the present moment. Learn how to align with the present moment in order to still the mind and touch the deeper reality… Read more

Perceiving the Energetic Plane of Reality

diagram of the three planes of reality found in the book God Speaks b Meher Baba

According to many enlightened teachers there are three planes of reality: mental, energetic, and physical. The vast majority of people on the planet perceive only the physical plane of reality. The true spiritual journey begins when a person learns to perceive the energetic plane of reality. You can feel energetic forms through your energetic body. And you might even see energetic forms with your physical eyes… Read more

Ramana Maharshi and the Stillness of the Self

ramana maharshi sitting lotus on Arunachla Mountain

Reading Ramana Maharshi’s teachings each day has attuned my system to his enlightened presence. It is a deep and profound stillness. The grace of Ramana Maharshi is present in all of his teachings. By reading them you will be drawn into the deeper reality… Read more

The Silver Ball of Water

while meditating I had a spiritual vision of a silver ball of water that represented the ocean at sunset

While lying in bed, I rested in a state between being awake and asleep. An image appeared in my awareness that I have never seen before. It was a silver ball made of water. The water flowed down the ball in ripples that looked like tiny waves. The image was so real that I tried to open my eyes in order to get a better look at it. But when my eyes opened the image vanished. Until this evening, I didn’t know what the image represented… Read more

The Stages of Japa by Papaji

hwl poonja aka papaji enlightened spiritual teacher

Papaji is a modern enlightened master who practiced devotional japa to Krishna for 25 years. According to Papaji, there are stages to using japa as a spiritual practice. In the beginning, you repeat a mantra using the voice. In the second stage, you repeat the mantra in the mind without saying it out loud. During the third stage, you learn to synchronize the mantra with the breath. And eventually the mantra and the breath become one. The mantra is repeated automatically, without your conscious attention. In the last stage, you become aware that the mantra is arising from the Heart—the formless unity from which the “I” arises. And the sound of the mantra subsides into the silence of the formless… Read more

The Enlightened Presence of Papaji and Krishna

the enlightened presence of papaji and krishna

For the last few days, I have practiced self-enquiry throughout the day. When placing my attention on the source of the ego I clearly perceive Papaji’s enlightened presence, which is very similar to that of Krishna. Perhaps it is a result of Papaji attuning himself so closely with Krishna. Papaji was a Krishna bhakti before meeting Ramana Maharshi and attaining liberation… Read more

What is Spiritual Development?

the ego and the thinking mind are inseparable

Spiritual development is the weakening of the ego. It is formed by past conditioning (or karma) and sustained by thoughts. A spiritual practice enables you to still the mind so you can perceive and connect with the deeper reality. While connected your karma dissolves, weakening the ego. When all of your karma is gone the ego is destroyed and you attain liberation… Read more

How Beliefs Impede Spiritual Progress

meher baba's moto of mastery in servitude

Perhaps the biggest impediment to spiritual progress is your ideas about God. You may hold your spiritual beliefs to be true. Yet they are nothing more than ideas in the mind. They are only mental representations of reality, not reality itself. There is a deeper truth that cannot be accessed through the mind. It is experienced directly beyond the limitations of thought. Ideas can at best lead you to the experience. And at worst they keep you from the experience… Read more

Darshan with a Guardian Angel

angels take the physical form of doves

I’m reading Ramana Maharshi’s teachings and a biography about Papaji. Being exposed to their grace has affected my system. Both men taught the spiritual practice of self-enquiry. You focus on the source of the “I” (or ego) in order to draw your attention inward and still the mind. When the “I” recedes into the Self permanently you attain liberation. After an encounter with a dove tonight my mind stilled… Read more

What You Have Yet to Experience on the Spiritual Path

a seeker is not aware of the higher stages of the spiritual journey that he has yet to reach

At each point along the path, a seeker has only experienced the divine at a certain level. And he is ignorant of what it is like to experience the formless at a deeper level. If a seeker is not careful he can delude himself regarding his level of spiritual knowledge and development. As you walk the spiritual path remain humble and open to new and better ways of connecting with the formless unity… Read more

Having a Sociopath as a Spiritual Teacher

dark spiritual teachers are to be avoided but they can be difficult to identify

While living in Los Angeles, I became interested in spirituality and unknowingly chose the worst kind of spiritual teacher. Although I didn’t know it at the time, he is a charlatan and a sociopath. In spite of everything I am doing well. I am surrounded by God’s mercy and grace. Yet you should let my story be a cautionary tale. And be careful in whom you choose to guide you along the spiritual path… Read more

Charlatan Spiritual Teachers

charlatan spiritual teachers can delay your spiritual progress

Choosing a spiritual teacher to guide you along the path is an important decision. The teachers who have reached an advanced spiritual state can show you how to still the mind and directly experience the deeper reality. Many spiritual teachers falsely claim to have attained liberation in order to attract seekers looking for spiritual guidance… Read more

How to Tell if a Spiritual Teacher is Enlightened

lakshmana swamy enlightened master

There is no shortage of people falsely claiming to have attained liberation. You will not be able to tell for certain whether someone else is enlightened until you reach an advanced spiritual state. But most of us need an enlightened teacher to help us progress spiritually and reach an advanced state. How do we resolve this dilemma? … Read more

Selling the Story of Awakening

charlatan spiritual teachers tell a made up story about attaining liberation

There are some advanced spiritual teachers that help others to progress along the path. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people who play the role of a “spiritual teacher” are not spiritually advanced. If you make the mistake of relying upon such a person for guidance they will become an obstacle to your spiritual progress. You can be aware of how these unqualified teachers market themselves… Read more

A Real List of Enlightened People and Spiritual Masters

list of enlightened teachers people masters

It is common to find a list of enlightened people on someone’s website. But most people have not advanced far enough along the spiritual path to ascertain another person’s spiritual state. The best they can do is guess. They assume that just because a lot of people believe someone is enlightened that it must be true. This list is different, it contains real spiritual masters… Read more

How to Find a True Spiritual Teacher

living enlightened spiritual teachers that will help you progress on the spiritual path

There is a great deal of misinformation about spirituality, and it is easy to make a mistake in choosing a spiritual teacher. By relying upon the local pastor, priest, or rabbi to lead you on the spiritual path you are indoctrinated into a particular belief system. But you do not learn how to make true spiritual progress by moving their awareness beyond the ego and connecting with the deeper reality. Beyond the confines of religious institutions is a world without any rules. It is common for charlatans to lie about their spiritual state in order to attract naïve seekers looking for assistance… Read more

Number of People on the Spiritual Path

the avatar meher baba maintained silence and used an alphabet board to communicate

One of the more popular spiritual memes is that more people than ever before are on the spiritual path. What does Meher Baba, the most recent incarnation of the world savior, have to say on the subject? There are 8.4 million yogis who perceive the energetic planes and another 8.4 million who are aware of the mental planes. So the total number of people on the spiritual path is 16.8 million. There are currently 8.7 billion people on the planet. That means the number of yogis make up only one-fifth of one percent of the world’s population… Read more

The Importance of a Spiritually Advanced Teacher

The Importance of a Spiritually Advanced Teacher

It is of upmost importance that you chose the right spiritual teacher. A spiritually advanced teacher can teach you how to align with the deeper reality. A teacher who is not advanced can delay your progress. Unfortunately, may people choose poorly and fail to reach their spiritual potential… Read more

Being the Observer

the spiritual practice of being the observer of your life

My favorite spiritual practices are to focus on the Paramatman light or an enlightened teacher. Of late, another spiritual practice has arisen spontaneously. I step back and observe myself interacting with the world. The way I perceive the world changes. I am freed from the ego’s influence and the mind stills. The external world loses its sense of reality. It is more like a play… Read more

The Most Important Thing

Meher Baba's book Infinite Intelligence provides deep insight into the four main spiritual paths

Of late, I am more cognizant of how much of the day is spent focused on unimportant things. The mind moves from one meaningless thought to the next. And only when I stop to read an enlightened teaching is my attention fully focused on the divine. I must do a better job of attuning to the deeper reality throughout the day… Read more

Drops of Light

the Paramatman light looks like fine drops of rain falling from the sky

While working at the office today, the Paramatman light is much more noticeable. It usually appears as a fine mist that is always falling whether I am indoors or outdoors. Today it is much larger, the size of rain drops… Read more