Stages of the Spiritual Journey

stages of the spiritual journey

There is a surface reality of separate objects and a deeper reality of oneness. The spiritual journey is the process of learning how to perceive the deeper truth and eventually become one with it. There are three major stages that you will pass through on the journey to oneness. Discover what they are… Read more

Paramahansa Yogananda Quotes

Paramahansa Yogananda was an Indian spiritual master and author. He moved to America to share his spiritual knowledge with the west. This page includes some of my favorite quotes from Paramahansa Yogananda… Read more

The Love of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ the world savior

There is a direct path to God through Jesus Christ. Yet for many Christians their beliefs about Jesus, God, and the spiritual path keep them trapped in the mind. They do not recognize a difference between God and the beliefs about God. They are not taught how to go beyond the mind and experience the divine directly. You can learn how… Read more

How to Find a True Spiritual Teacher

living enlightened spiritual teachers that will help you progress on the spiritual path

There is a great deal of misinformation about spirituality, and it is easy to make a mistake in choosing a spiritual teacher. By relying upon the local pastor, priest, or rabbi to lead you on the spiritual path you are indoctrinated into a particular belief system. But you do not learn how to make true spiritual progress by moving their awareness beyond the ego and connecting with the deeper reality. Beyond the confines of religious institutions is a world without any rules. It is common for charlatans to lie about their spiritual state in order to attract naïve seekers looking for assistance… Read more

Sri Aurobindo Quotes

Sri Aurobindo enlightened spiritual teacher and author

Read spiritual quotes from Sri Aurobindo, an enlightened spiritual teacher and prolific writer. He provides a unique insight on the spiritual path. He advises each seeker to surrender to the Divine Mother and reject the lower nature… Read more

Meher Baba’s Grace

Avatar Meher Baba, author of spiritual books

Meher Baba was the most recent incarnation of the world savior. Meher Baba and his teachings helped me to find my true spiritual path. His grace will uplift you and draw you closer to the divine… Read more

Interacting with the Divine

endless thinking by the ego is the impediment to the divine

The divine is present within everything in creation. Yet most people are oblivious to it. Their awareness is trapped within the ego-controlled mind. So they perceive only forms and not the formless universal consciousness. When filtering reality through the mind, you are unable to experience reality directly. The mind gets between you and what is happening. The spiritual journey is about freeing your awareness from the confines of the thinking mind and experiencing reality directly… Read more

Brief Samadhi Experiences

sun ocean spiritual vision

After Mother Meera darshans today, I shut my eyes for a while and had two visions of the ocean at sunset. Spiritual visions are nice, yet they can also be a distraction. Meher Baba taught about the dangers of a seeker getting lost in the energetic planes. Some become so engrossed in visions that they do not focus on the deeper reality and their spiritual progress stalls… Read more