Dreaming of India

The Ganges river and the ghatt in Varanasi India

India is a place like no other. There the veil between the physical plane and the deeper reality is very thin. And in the more holy places, it is much easier to touch the formless unity that permeates and sustains all of creation. I often envision leaving my current life behind and starting anew in India… Read more

Meher Baba’s Grace

Avatar Meher Baba, author of spiritual books

Meher Baba was the most recent incarnation of the world savior. Meher Baba and his teachings helped me to find my true spiritual path. His grace will uplift you and draw you closer to the divine… Read more

Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi enlightened spiritual teacher

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi lived as a renunciant in a small town in India. Yet he became a well-known spiritual teacher. His grace has enabled thousands of people to progress spiritually. And during his lifetime a small number of his devotees attained liberation. Using the spiritual practices he recommended (surrender and self-enquiry) the stillness of the divine will became more accessible to you… Read more

Brief Samadhi Experiences

sun ocean spiritual vision

After Mother Meera darshans today, I shut my eyes for a while and had two visions of the ocean at sunset. Spiritual visions are nice, yet they can also be a distraction. Meher Baba taught about the dangers of a seeker getting lost in the energetic planes. Some become so engrossed in visions that they do not focus on the deeper reality and their spiritual progress stalls… Read more