Unplugging from the Matrix

To live at the highest level and progress spiritually you must unplug from the matrix--the illusion of maya.

I have spent far too much of my life immersed in the illusion of maya. The ego loves to keep the mind active and focused on anything other than the divine. In our modern society another level of maya has been created in which we lose ourselves in an artificial electronic world. We are constantly staring at our smart phones or immersed in some form of entertainment on the television or computer. The ego-controlled mind enjoys the stimulation and soon becomes addicted to it… Read more

Limiting Thoughts

Becoming free of the ego-controlled mind is the spiritual path.

It has become clear that most of my thoughts put some sort of limitation on what I am capable of doing. And they are lies. Any thought which appears in the mind should be viewed skeptically. They either arise from the ego, which is a part of maya. It is a foreign life form that has taken control of your awareness. It causes suffering by keeping you focused on external objects and trapped in the illusion of separateness. It uses fear to keep you from realizing your potential in life and from connecting with your deeper nature… Read more