Three Spiritual Paths: Light, Stillness, Love

the stillness of the Self can be found in nature

The divine is present throughout creation. It is the formless intelligence that guides and sustains creation. Enlightened teachers have different names for the divine such as the Paramatman or the Self. And they describe the divine in various ways such as light, stillness, and love… Read more

The Silver Ball of Water

while meditating I had a spiritual vision of a silver ball of water that represented the ocean at sunset

While lying in bed, I rested in a state between being awake and asleep. An image appeared in my awareness that I have never seen before. It was a silver ball made of water. The water flowed down the ball in ripples that looked like tiny waves. The image was so real that I tried to open my eyes in order to get a better look at it. But when my eyes opened the image vanished. Until this evening, I didn’t know what the image represented… Read more

How to Tell if a Spiritual Teacher is Enlightened

lakshmana swamy enlightened master

There is no shortage of people falsely claiming to have attained liberation. You will not be able to tell for certain whether someone else is enlightened until you reach an advanced spiritual state. But most of us need an enlightened teacher to help us progress spiritually and reach an advanced state. How do we resolve this dilemma? … Read more

A Real List of Enlightened People and Spiritual Masters

list of enlightened teachers people masters

It is common to find a list of enlightened people on someone’s website. But most people have not advanced far enough along the spiritual path to ascertain another person’s spiritual state. The best they can do is guess. They assume that just because a lot of people believe someone is enlightened that it must be true. This list is different, it contains real spiritual masters… Read more

How to Find a True Spiritual Teacher

living enlightened spiritual teachers that will help you progress on the spiritual path

There is a great deal of misinformation about spirituality, and it is easy to make a mistake in choosing a spiritual teacher. By relying upon the local pastor, priest, or rabbi to lead you on the spiritual path you are indoctrinated into a particular belief system. But you do not learn how to make true spiritual progress by moving their awareness beyond the ego and connecting with the deeper reality. Beyond the confines of religious institutions is a world without any rules. It is common for charlatans to lie about their spiritual state in order to attract naïve seekers looking for assistance… Read more

Being the Observer

the spiritual practice of being the observer of your life

My favorite spiritual practices are to focus on the Paramatman light or an enlightened teacher. Of late, another spiritual practice has arisen spontaneously. I step back and observe myself interacting with the world. The way I perceive the world changes. I am freed from the ego’s influence and the mind stills. The external world loses its sense of reality. It is more like a play… Read more

The Most Important Thing

Meher Baba's book Infinite Intelligence provides deep insight into the four main spiritual paths

Of late, I am more cognizant of how much of the day is spent focused on unimportant things. The mind moves from one meaningless thought to the next. And only when I stop to read an enlightened teaching is my attention fully focused on the divine. I must do a better job of attuning to the deeper reality throughout the day… Read more

Drops of Light

the Paramatman light looks like fine drops of rain falling from the sky

While working at the office today, the Paramatman light is much more noticeable. It usually appears as a fine mist that is always falling whether I am indoors or outdoors. Today it is much larger, the size of rain drops… Read more

Mother Meera Quotes

Mother Meera is an enlightened master and inrnation of the divine mother

Read profound spiritual quotes from Mother Meera, an avatar and incarnation of the divine mother who travels the world giving spiritual blessings… Read more

Brief Samadhi Experiences

sun ocean spiritual vision

After Mother Meera darshans today, I shut my eyes for a while and had two visions of the ocean at sunset. Spiritual visions are nice, yet they can also be a distraction. Meher Baba taught about the dangers of a seeker getting lost in the energetic planes. Some become so engrossed in visions that they do not focus on the deeper reality and their spiritual progress stalls… Read more

Connecting Life Forms to the Paramatman Light

connecting trees to the Paramatman light

I use the Paramatman light to help other life forms. I probably learned the skill unconsciously during my darshans with Mother Meera. Each life form has a physical body on the physical plane of reality and an energy body on the energetic plane. And it is the energetic body that I access. At first the light was projected into trees. Then the process expanded to birds, then insects, and now people… Read more