Spiritual Practices List

Spiritual Practices List

An effective spiritual practice is the foundation for real spiritual progress. Learn spiritual practices that will enable you to still the mind and draw closer to the divine. The list of spiritual practices is followed by a description of each practice… Read more

Stages of the Spiritual Journey

stages of the spiritual journey

There is a surface reality of separate objects and a deeper reality of oneness. The spiritual journey is the process of learning how to perceive the deeper truth and eventually become one with it. There are three major stages that you will pass through on the journey to oneness. Discover what they are… Read more

Paramahansa Yogananda Quotes

Paramahansa Yogananda was an Indian spiritual master and author. He moved to America to share his spiritual knowledge with the west. This page includes some of my favorite quotes from Paramahansa Yogananda… Read more

Ramana Maharshi Quotes

Ramana Maharshi attained liberation as a teenager

Ramana Maharshi is one of the most well-known spiritual teachers of the twentieth century. He lived as a renunciant at the base of Arunachala mountain. His Advaita Vedanta teachings emphasize the spiritual practices of surrender and self-enquiry. Many of his devotees attained liberation. Learn what he had to say about the nature of reality… Read more

Eckhart Tolle Quotes

Eckhart Tolle enlightened spiritual teacher and author

Read quotes from Eckhart Tolle, one of the few modern spiritual teachers who is elightened. He teaches the Zen practice of focusing on the present moment. Learn how to align with the present moment in order to still the mind and touch the deeper reality… Read more

Ramana Maharshi and the Stillness of the Self

ramana maharshi sitting lotus on Arunachla Mountain

Reading Ramana Maharshi’s teachings each day has attuned my system to his enlightened presence. It is a deep and profound stillness. The grace of Ramana Maharshi is present in all of his teachings. By reading them you will be drawn into the deeper reality… Read more

Connecting Life Forms to the Paramatman Light

connecting trees to the Paramatman light

I use the Paramatman light to help other life forms. I probably learned the skill unconsciously during my darshans with Mother Meera. Each life form has a physical body on the physical plane of reality and an energy body on the energetic plane. And it is the energetic body that I access. At first the light was projected into trees. Then the process expanded to birds, then insects, and now people… Read more