Stages of the Spiritual Journey

stages of the spiritual journey

There is a surface reality of separate objects and a deeper reality of oneness. The spiritual journey is the process of learning how to perceive the deeper truth and eventually become one with it. There are three major stages that you will pass through on the journey to oneness. Discover what they are… Read more

Three Spiritual Paths: Light, Stillness, Love

the stillness of the Self can be found in nature

The divine is present throughout creation. It is the formless intelligence that guides and sustains creation. Enlightened teachers have different names for the divine such as the Paramatman or the Self. And they describe the divine in various ways such as light, stillness, and love… Read more

Perceiving the Energetic Plane of Reality

diagram of the three planes of reality found in the book God Speaks b Meher Baba

According to many enlightened teachers there are three planes of reality: mental, energetic, and physical. The vast majority of people on the planet perceive only the physical plane of reality. The true spiritual journey begins when a person learns to perceive the energetic plane of reality. You can feel energetic forms through your energetic body. And you might even see energetic forms with your physical eyes… Read more

The Silver Ball of Water

while meditating I had a spiritual vision of a silver ball of water that represented the ocean at sunset

While lying in bed, I rested in a state between being awake and asleep. An image appeared in my awareness that I have never seen before. It was a silver ball made of water. The water flowed down the ball in ripples that looked like tiny waves. The image was so real that I tried to open my eyes in order to get a better look at it. But when my eyes opened the image vanished. Until this evening, I didn’t know what the image represented… Read more

What is Spiritual Development?

the ego and the thinking mind are inseparable

Spiritual development is the weakening of the ego. It is formed by past conditioning (or karma) and sustained by thoughts. A spiritual practice enables you to still the mind so you can perceive and connect with the deeper reality. While connected your karma dissolves, weakening the ego. When all of your karma is gone the ego is destroyed and you attain liberation… Read more

How Beliefs Impede Spiritual Progress

meher baba's moto of mastery in servitude

Perhaps the biggest impediment to spiritual progress is your ideas about God. You may hold your spiritual beliefs to be true. Yet they are nothing more than ideas in the mind. They are only mental representations of reality, not reality itself. There is a deeper truth that cannot be accessed through the mind. It is experienced directly beyond the limitations of thought. Ideas can at best lead you to the experience. And at worst they keep you from the experience… Read more

The Importance of a Spiritually Advanced Teacher

The Importance of a Spiritually Advanced Teacher

It is of upmost importance that you chose the right spiritual teacher. A spiritually advanced teacher can teach you how to align with the deeper reality. A teacher who is not advanced can delay your progress. Unfortunately, may people choose poorly and fail to reach their spiritual potential… Read more

Being the Observer

the spiritual practice of being the observer of your life

My favorite spiritual practices are to focus on the Paramatman light or an enlightened teacher. Of late, another spiritual practice has arisen spontaneously. I step back and observe myself interacting with the world. The way I perceive the world changes. I am freed from the ego’s influence and the mind stills. The external world loses its sense of reality. It is more like a play… Read more

The Christmas Church Service

A Christmas Church Service is often more of a play than a spiritual gathering

Each year my brother likes to attend the Christmas Eve service at a local church. It was nice to be in a room full of Christians. Everyone was in a good mood. The choir sang many Christmas songs. Children walked up to the front of the church dressed as characters from the story of Jesus’ birth. And passages from the Bible were read that pertained to Jesus’ birth. Yet something important was missing. People were focused on the external ceremony—the Christmas play that was being performed. There was little, if any, emphasis on each person’s internal connection with Jesus and the divine… Read more

Meher Baba’s Grace

Avatar Meher Baba, author of spiritual books

Meher Baba was the most recent incarnation of the world savior. Meher Baba and his teachings helped me to find my true spiritual path. His grace will uplift you and draw you closer to the divine… Read more

Mother Meera’s Grace

Mother Meera, an incarnation of the Divine Mother who gives darshans

Mother Meera is an avatar and incarnation of the Divine Mother. In her silent darshans, she will expose you to the Paramatman light. Her grace will removes karmic obstacles and bring you closer to the divine… Read more

True Freedom

True freedom is found. Meditate and connect with the deeper reality to escape the limitations of the ego.

Life tries to impose limitations upon us. Having the courage and the willpower to make a better life for ourselves is essential. If you don’t try, you feel powerless and become a passive victim of fate. Yet even if everything in your life were to work out just right—with your job, finances, relationships, and health—you would still not be free. True freedom is not something you find in your external circumstances. Instead, it is found within… Read more

Interacting with the Divine

endless thinking by the ego is the impediment to the divine

The divine is present within everything in creation. Yet most people are oblivious to it. Their awareness is trapped within the ego-controlled mind. So they perceive only forms and not the formless universal consciousness. When filtering reality through the mind, you are unable to experience reality directly. The mind gets between you and what is happening. The spiritual journey is about freeing your awareness from the confines of the thinking mind and experiencing reality directly… Read more

Brief Samadhi Experiences

sun ocean spiritual vision

After Mother Meera darshans today, I shut my eyes for a while and had two visions of the ocean at sunset. Spiritual visions are nice, yet they can also be a distraction. Meher Baba taught about the dangers of a seeker getting lost in the energetic planes. Some become so engrossed in visions that they do not focus on the deeper reality and their spiritual progress stalls… Read more