How to Tell if a Spiritual Teacher is Enlightened

lakshmana swamy enlightened master

There is no shortage of people falsely claiming to have attained liberation. You will not be able to tell for certain whether someone else is enlightened until you reach an advanced spiritual state. But most of us need an enlightened teacher to help us progress spiritually and reach an advanced state. How do we resolve this dilemma? … Read more

Selling the Story of Awakening

charlatan spiritual teachers tell a made up story about attaining liberation

There are some advanced spiritual teachers that help others to progress along the path. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people who play the role of a “spiritual teacher” are not spiritually advanced. If you make the mistake of relying upon such a person for guidance they will become an obstacle to your spiritual progress. You can be aware of how these unqualified teachers market themselves… Read more

The Active Nature of Maya

Grace will light your way through the darkness of maya, which Christians call evil

Many enlightened teachers describe the influence of karma and how it keeps each of us trapped in an endless cycle of rebirths. They also talk about maya, the force that creates the illusion of separateness. While a person is under the influence of maya they see only separate objects and are unable to perceive the deeper reality that sustains all of creation. Yet most enlightened teachings do not discuss evil, the active nature of Maya that consciously impedes a person’s personal happiness and ability to progress spiritually… Read more

Sri Aurobindo Quotes

Sri Aurobindo enlightened spiritual teacher and author

Read spiritual quotes from Sri Aurobindo, an enlightened spiritual teacher and prolific writer. He provides a unique insight on the spiritual path. He advises each seeker to surrender to the Divine Mother and reject the lower nature… Read more

Dalai Lama Quotes

Dalai Lama quotes

Read quotes from the Dalai Lama, an enlightened Buddhist monk who teaches emptiness, dependent existence, compassion, and liberation from rebirth… Read more