Into the Formless by Brian D. Stephens, spiritual book

Find Your Unique Spiritual Path

Do you long for a deeper relationship with the divine?​

​Do you feel stuck ​in your spiritual development?​

Are you confused by all the various spiritual teachings?

Into the Formless can help you.

Teachings of Enlightened Masters

Spiritual Masters

Into the Formless contains the spiritual insights of enlightened masters:

​Jesus Christ
​Dalai Lama
Eckhart Tolle
Ramana Maharshi
Paramahansa Yogananda

Meher Baba
Mother Meera
and others

Learn How to Make Real Spiritual Progress

list of enlightened teachers people masters

Enlightened spiritual teachers address the most important issues in life:

  • Why do ​you exist?
  • What is your ​purpose?
  • How can you grow spiritually?
  • How can you find more inner peace and happiness?

What You Will Learn

  • The deeper truth is experienced directly beyond the limitations of thought
  • The obstacles to spiritual progress: ego, thinking mind, past conditioning
  • How to find your unique spiritual path
  • The constraints of spiritual beliefs
  • The importance of enlightened spiritual teachers and their teachings
  • The meaning of life–the soul’s journey through creation
  • Spiritual practices that really work
  • Freeing yourself from the illusion of maya
  • Living in the world consciously
  • Spiritual opportunities
  • Interacting with other people
  • The last stage of spiritual development
  • Summary of the book using one seeker’s spiritual story

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