Spiritual Practices List

Spiritual Practices List

An effective spiritual practice is the foundation for real spiritual progress. Learn spiritual practices that will enable you to still the mind and draw closer to the divine. The list of spiritual practices is followed by a description of each practice… Read more

How to Tell if a Spiritual Teacher is Enlightened

lakshmana swamy enlightened master

There is no shortage of people falsely claiming to have attained liberation. You will not be able to tell for certain whether someone else is enlightened until you reach an advanced spiritual state. But most of us need an enlightened teacher to help us progress spiritually and reach an advanced state. How do we resolve this dilemma? … Read more

A Real List of Enlightened People and Spiritual Masters

list of enlightened teachers people masters

It is common to find a list of enlightened people on someone’s website. But most people have not advanced far enough along the spiritual path to ascertain another person’s spiritual state. The best they can do is guess. They assume that just because a lot of people believe someone is enlightened that it must be true. This list is different, it contains real spiritual masters… Read more